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Home > Estimated costs in a sentence

Estimated costs in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2021-06-01Updated:2021-06-01
Similar words: estimated costcost estimatingcost estimationestimatedestimated lifeestimated time of arrivalestimated valueestimated useful life
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31 Most of the estimated costs were associated with staff, typically representing around 80% of the total budget.
32 And each node is annotated by statistics, estimated costs, selectivity information and so forth that are used to determine the access plan flow.
More similar words: estimated costcost estimatingcost estimationestimatedestimated lifeestimated time of arrivalestimated valueestimated useful lifeit is estimated thatfixed costsestimatebudgeted costoverestimaterough estimateunderestimatebudget estimatemake an estimate ofpreliminary estimateestimatorestimatingestimationestimativeanimated cartoonlanded costfixed costin my estimationguesstimateoverestimationultimate demandunderestimation
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